Digital Printing

From your phone to your album

Order Your Photos Now

Greeting Cards

Looking for that perfect card for Christmas? Look no further! At Sooter’s you can easily create your own professional looking greeting cards for any occasion.

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Photo Prints

A physical print can always add value and re-create those memories within the print itself. You can wear it, frame it, put it on canvas or in a locket. It becomes something special. Come visit us today to print your digital photos!

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Scanning images isn’t just ideal for office tasks or your kids’ school projects. It’s also handy for job applications and traveling abroad. Whether it’s a presentation you are giving or an old photo you are copying for a friend, we have a range of professional scanners to create jpg, tiff, png and pdf files.

Digitize Your Slides

Have old slides collecting dust at home? No problem! We offer high resolution slide scanning and printing services at our stores.

50 or less @ $2.99/slide

50-200 @ $1.99/slide

200-500 @ $1/slide

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